Intelligent Communication in Adaptive Social Systems

A societal member is an individual, in this case an automaton, who executes sequences of functions while observing and acting within an physical and social space.

An individual produces signals that are passed along communication lines. as information travels from one individual to another, signals propagate throughout a network of individuals. Each member has the power to comprehend, remember, and communicate information to and from other members.

The society adapts and evolves over time, eventually yielding a culture. Cultures are set of patterns bound to particular contexts, and are formed when individuals communicate with those around them.

The communication of a society is, however, restricted. The spatiotemporal constraints on the physical space are preserved within the social space, which is embedded in the physical space.

Members of a society possess universal functions for parsing, analyzing, and executing statements. Statements depict high-dimensional messages using low-dimensional signals, which require a sufficiently equipped automaton with specific instructions for rewriting such signals in order to comprehend their intended meaning (or any meaning, for that matter).

Signals constructed by individuals are, in a sense, reflective of how those members perceive signals. In other words, the production process of an individual is directly related the comprehension process, or more specifically, both stem from a deeper internal function that is specialized for statement-understanding.

Individuals operate in accordance with a fundamental system that exists within them, and which guides their decision-making through a rule-based procedure. These rules allow an individual to take low-dimensional signals and produce high-dimensional representations. The representation is based on a subjective understanding of semantics, as well as an objective rule-based analysis of syntax. both work in tandem to produce understanding, given a statement signal from the social space.

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